Behind the Scenes Footage of Intake Session
Example and Demo from Jeff on Nervous and Fearful Dogs
***This course is currently under PRESALE and will not launch until end of April or early May*** By purchasing during presale, you receive discounted pricing and videos are trickle released as they are completed. We are still in the filming and editing process. We appreciate you being a part of the presale and your patience!
Are you struggling with a nervous, fearful, or anxious dog and searching for a program that's ACTUALLY proven to work?
If you're on this page right now, it means you want results. You're hungry for way more than you are currently experiencing with your dog...and it seems like every other training program out there never seems to get you where you want to be.
You're ready to experience massive success. And deep down, you know your dog IS capable of getting past its current limitations....The good news is, the results you're searching for ARE possible. And we're not just blowing smoke up your ass. If you're familiar with our work, then you know we will NEVER BS you when it comes to training and the methods that are most effective.
If you are struggling with a dog that has ever been labeled "untrainable" "too nervous to work with" "hopeless" or anything of the like, you'll find the answers you've been looking for inside of this course.
Let us know if any of this sounds like you and your dog:
-Your dog is afraid of EVERYTHING-- loud noises, cars, new people, new environments, even a leaf blowing in the wind
-Your dog's behavior is actually effecting your quality of life and/or relationships. You can't have people over, and you can't go out for too long or too far because the dog is left at home.
-You're beginning to feel like a failure to your dog because you don't know how to help them
-You have gone to multiple trainers only to find their methods ineffective or have very short-term success.
-Even though it seems like nothing is working, you are NOT ready to give up, you're just searching for the right trainer to help you get where you want to be.
-You found this page because something deep down told you to click here, and give it one more shot.
You are looking for the missing "thing" that you haven't found...yet.
You see the videos on social media with people making these magical transformations with their dogs and wonder why your transformation hasn't come yet. You might even see OUR social media and wonder how we get dogs to overcome massive fear to become confident and fulfilled.
How DO we have so much success with tens of thousands of dogs all over the world?
The answer: We simplify everything.
We demystified dog training, we make it easy to understand, and most importantly, implement.
We make our methods so easy, so fool proof, people can do it through a computer screen and still get the same results we do.
After 20+ years of training dogs, you figure out what works and what is just a bunch of smoke in mirrors. Dog training, even seemingly "untrainable" dogs, is actually a very simple process.
Let's let go of our egos, fear of the unknown, analysis paralysis, and learn a much better way...
Our Fearful Dog Course Covers the Following:
- the EXACT process we use to train and rehab EXTREMELY fearful dogs who won't take food
- troubleshooting behaviors/obedience when it doesn't go according to the book (rarely does it ever)
- how we take fearful dogs to stores for public access training
- how to build a dog's confidence
- how to stop unwanted behaviors if they arise
- important safety protocols to consider when working with difficult dogs
- how fearful dogs thrive with structure, rules, and routine, despite that being the complete opposite of what you've ever been told
Most of what you've been taught about rehabbing nervous dogs is WRONG.
It's ineffective, counter-productive, and quite simply, its just NOT working...
It's leaving you confused, disappointed and overwhelmed with very little to show for all the hours you've invested into training your dog.
How do we know this?
We work with thousands of clients around the world just like you. With the same struggles, the same feelings, and the same concerns about their dogs.
So, what do you get when you join this program?
With this course, you'll get our exact formula for rehabbing nervous, fearful dogs. We show you step by step from intake to go-home how the process looks, nothing held back. This will be a fully transparent course (just like all of them) so that YOU can learn how to make progress with a very challenging dog. Like we always say, we'd rather work with AGGRESSION than fear!! And we don't say that lightly. Fear can be one of the most difficult things to help a dog overcome...but we do it every day, and we want to show you EXACTLY how we do it. In this course, whether you are a trainer or an owner who's struggling, you will find the roadmap to success that you are likely missing in your training program.
If you own a fearful dog, or simply just want to learn more about dog behavior and the many ways to rehab a dog, then this course is for you!
We also recommend taking the Green to Graduate course as the perfect supplement to this program. Rehabbing a Fearful Dog focuses more on behavior modification, while Green to Graduate is our key course for both on and off leash obedience. We always recommend putting a strong foundation of obedience on your dog regardless of what you are struggling with, as it will make everything that much easier for you and your dog!
Due to the digital nature of this product, there will be no refunds after purchasing. But we're sure you'll love it!
*We do use E collars, Prong collars, Slip leads, and any other tools we find necessary in the rehabilitation of dogs.